Micro-credentials for life-long learning and employability: building Capacities for developing Agile educational interventions in Southeast Asian universities
Our vision
MICROCASA is the first international project aimed at sharing the European experiences and building institutional capacities in Southeast Asia to co-create, promote and deliver short competence-oriented educational units leading to micro-credentials with the goal of solving various economic and social problems.
Focusing on different aspects of micro-credentialing, for instance course content co-creation, educational technology, transparent quality assurance, technologies for issuance and verification of digital micro-credentials, the project builds a comprehensive set of competences and technical capacities in Southeast Asian universities.
01 March 2023
28 February 2026
Erasmus+ Programme
The consortium is composed of 11 partners, including, for the European side, 3 European universities with complementary competences, the Italian NARIC Agency and the quality assurance expert company.
The representative group of 6 Southeast Asian university includes central agenda-setting national universities, as well as universities with regional development missions.
Associated Partners
Department of Health, Health Human Resource Bureau, Santa Cruz, City of Manila
Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Training Institute, Diliman, Quezon City
Indonesian Research and Education Networks (IDREN)
The Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA), Cyberjaya City
Former Project
COMPETEN-SEA : Capacity to Organize Massive Public Educational Opportunities in universities of SouthEast Asia
The COMPETEN-SEA project is a Capacity Building in Higher Education (CBHE) project funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission from 2016 to 2019. The main objective of the COMPETEN-SEA project is to enable best South-East Asian universities to develop a new kind of accessible, affordable, high quality and effective educational services to various groups of population excluded from traditional educational outreach. The MOOC technology was chosen as the tool most promising and suitable for the region with its particular characteristics (growing population dispersed across thousands islands and separated by thousands of kilometres, extremely high growth of ICT penetration enabling modern ICT-based education, world-class academic staff in best local universities, etc.).

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.