
MicroCASA Project Coordinating Committee (PCC) Meeting

MicroCASA Project Coordinating Committee (PCC) Meeting

The MicroCASA PCC meeting takes place on October 30, 2024, hosted by UP Digital Transformation (UP Dx). The session focused on the University of the Philippines' efforts in micro-credentials, highlighting initiatives to expand learning approaches and pedagogical...

MicroCASA Technical Workshop on the 2nd Day of the Consortium

MicroCASA Technical Workshop on the 2nd Day of the Consortium

On October 29, 2024, during the 2nd day of the MicroCASA Consortium at Ateneo de Manila University, Prof. Carlos Delgado Kloos of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid led the Technical Workshop with an in-depth analysis of the definition of micro-credentials. He...

3rd MicroCASA Roundtable

3rd MicroCASA Roundtable

The 3rd MICROCASA Roundtable is taking place in Manila, Philippines, on October 28–29, 2024, hosted by Ateneo de Manila University and the University of the Philippines. Experts and stakeholders from Southeast Asia and Europe are discussing strategies to expand...

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