Founded in 1859 as Escuela Municipal de Manila, the school was founded and is run by the Society of Jesus, and is the second-oldest Jesuit-administered institution of higher learning in Asia-Pacific.
As a University, Ateneo de Manila seeks to uphold, preserve, and communicate truth and apply it to human development and the preservation of the Earth. As a Filipino University, Ateneo de Manila seeks to identify, enrich, and embody Philippine culture and contribute to the development of the nation and the upliftment of Filipinos as part of the global community.
As a Catholic University, Ateneo de Manila seeks to form persons-for-and-with-others who, following the teachings and example of Christ, will devote their lives to promotion of service and justice, especially for those who are most in need of help, the poor, and the powerless.
As a Jesuit University, Ateneo de Manila seeks the goals of Jesuit liberal education through the harmonious development of moral and intellectual virtues. Imbued with the Ignatian spirit, the University aims to lead its students to see God in all things and to strive for the greater glory of God and the greater service of mankind.
Ateneo de Manila University seeks all these through excellence in teaching, learning, and formation; creation and advancement of knowledge through cutting-edge research and creative work; cultivation of an inclusive, diverse, and sustainable institution and community; and an expansive and immersive engagement with society.

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