3rd MicroCASA Roundtable

3rd MicroCASA Roundtable

3rd MicroCASA Roundtable – Driving Microcredentials Forward The 3rd MICROCASA Roundtable is taking place in Manila, Philippines, on October 28–29, 2024, hosted by Ateneo de Manila University and the University of the Philippines. Experts and stakeholders from...
MicroCASA at the 58th AI³/SOI Asia Joint Online Meeting

MicroCASA at the 58th AI³/SOI Asia Joint Online Meeting

MicroCASA at in the 58th AI³/SOI Asia Joint Online Meeting The 58th AI³/SOI Asia Joint Online Meeting, hosted by BUET, brought together experts to discuss capacity buildingand digital evidence in lifelong learning. MicroCASA partners contributed valuable insights to...
MICROCASA USM Professorial Talk

MICROCASA USM Professorial Talk

Advancing Micro-Credentials in Southeast Asia MICROCASA USM Professorial Talk – October 10, 2024 Join us for a Professorial Talk featuring MICROCASA USM colleague, Prof. Irfan Naufal, on Thursday, October 10, 2024, at 10:00 AM. 📌 Syarahan Profesor 1🔹 Speaker: Profesor...
MicroCASA Partner Named RLIGAS Fellow!

MicroCASA Partner Named RLIGAS Fellow!

MicroCASA Partner Named RLIGAS Fellow! Congratulations to Dr. Dennis B. Batangan and Dr. Charlie Samuya Veric on being named Ricardo Leong Institute for Global and Area Studies (RLIGAS) Fellows!  Dr. Dennis B. Batangan (MicroCASA partner from AdMU) has been appointed...
Advancing Micro-Credentials in Southeast Asia

Advancing Micro-Credentials in Southeast Asia

Advancing Micro-Credentials in Southeast Asia In September 2024, the Faculty of Computer Science at Universitas Brawijaya (FILKOM UB) hosted a Focus Group Discussion on the Institutional Development Plan for Micro-Credentials in Higher Education. Experts from...