Universitas Brawijaya


Universitas Brawijaya (UB) was established by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through a wire no. 258/K/61 sent on July 11, 1961. The Brawijaya name derived from the title of the King of Majapahit, a great kingdom in Indonesia from 12th to 15th century. Later, UB transformed into a state university on January 5, 1963, following a Presidential Decree issued earlier in the same year.

Today UB is one of the leading universities in Indonesia with more than 60.000 students in various vocational, bachelor, master, doctoral, professional, and medical specialist programs.

UB has various academic facilities such as libraries, laboratories (LSIH and LSSR), Research and Community Services (LPPM), Educational Development (LP2), QA Center (LPM), International Office, Bioscience Institute, UB Press, UB Media and Communication Group, Integrated Labs, UB Forest, Agrotechnopark, the Center of Disability Studies and Services.

UB also has student activity groups and facilities for student activity units such as Pertamina Sport Arena, Pertamina Sport Clubhouse, Samantha Krida Hall, Widyaloka Hall, football fields and other facilities at Dieng Campus.

UB also provides supporting facilities such as Bus Fleet, Student Dormitories, Employee Co-op, International Student Dormitory, Bank and ATM Center, Post Office, Raden Patah Mosque, Composting Facility and Halal Canteen. For the alumni, the university provides Alumni Associations, Career and Entrepreneurship Development Unit, Business Incubator.

In this modern era, UB also provides IT and computer facilities, such as Academic Information System, Registration and Student Selection Information System, New Student Admission Online Information System, Integrated Service Information Portal (GAPURA), Student Academic Information System, Decision Support System, with large internet bandwidth available. Safety and health facilities are also provided, such as Firefighting and Rescue, Ambulance, Health Clinic, UB Hospital, and e-counseling.

UB also guaranteed to have a good qualities by having Grade A National Accreditation issued by National Accreditation Body for Universities, and LAMPTKES. UB is also internationally accredited by various accreditation bodies, such as UB Library which is accredited with Rank A by IATUL, Accounting Study Program with ACCA accreditation, accreditation by IFT for Agriculture Product Technology Study Program, accreditation of Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education for Engineering Program, accreditation from the Alliance on Business Education and Scholarship for Tomorrow, and also an associate member for ASEAN University Network Quality Assurance, with many Certified and Accredited Study Programs.

Achmad Basuki

Achmad Basuki




















































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