
MicroCASA participates in Generative AI Workshops

MicroCASA participates in Generative AI Workshops

The MicroCASA team participates in two workshops aimed at enhancing the capacity of academic staff in course design and delivery through the use of Generative AI tools. The hands-on activities also involve supporting student learning activities with these tools. These...

MicroCASA Study Visit – Rome

MicroCASA Study Visit – Rome

This April, the MICROCASA project is hosting a pivotal two-day study visit in Rome. This event will delve into the design, recognition, and integration of micro-credentials into current academic processes, featuring interactive workshops and practical exercises....

Consortium Meeting Project – Madrid

Consortium Meeting Project – Madrid

Universidad Carlos III organizes a two-day event for the MicroCASA project. The first day, the MicroCASA Consortium Project Meeting takes place, focusing on the review and strategic planning of various work packages.  The second day hosts a Course Design Workshop,...

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