As part of MICROCASA ERASMUS+ capacity building, this workshop is being organized to increase the capacity of the academic staff from Southeast Asia, particularly Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, to co‐design, develop, deliver, and evaluate distinct types of short competence‐oriented educational courses leading to micro‐ credentials.
9:00 – Opening Session
9:30 – Session 1
From MOOCs to micro‐
credentials by Prof. Carlos Delgado
Kloos (UC3M)
Presentation: click here to download the slides (pdf 2 MB).
Presentation: click here to download the slides (pdf 2 MB).
12:30 – Lunch and Networking
14:00 – Session 3
Pedagogical and Didactic Aspects of Teaching Courses leading to Micro‐credentials by Prof. Aniello Merone (UER)
Presentation: click here to download the slides (pdf 1 MB).
16:00 – Session 4
EQAVET Quality Assurance Principles and Mechanisms for Micro‐credential by Mr. Andrey Girenko (Giraf PM)
Presentation: click here to download the slides (pdf 1 MB).

Didanai oleh Uni Eropa. Pandangan dan pendapat yang disampaikan merupakan pandangan dan pendapat penulis dan tidak mencerminkan pandangan dan pendapat Uni Eropa atau Badan Eksekutif Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Eropa (EACEA). Baik Uni Eropa maupun EACEA tidak bertanggung jawab atas hal tersebut.